


Ethics & Compliance

Employee Code of Conduct

鶹app and our employees are expected to conduct business in an ethical manner, guided by our Vision, Values, and an unwavering commitment to integrity and transparency. All employees, officers, and directors are required to abide by the company’s global Code of Conduct, which addresses each aspect of our business including anti-corruption, anti-competitive behavior, data protection, and human rights. The global Code of Conduct sets high standards for conducting business in a legal and ethical manner and serves as the foundation of our corporate policies and procedures. To encourage compliance with the global Code of Conduct, 鶹app regularly provides training, communications, and guidance to our employees around the world. Further, employees are required to annually certify that they have read and will follow the global Code of Conduct. The document is available in 14 languages and can be accessed here: 鶹app Global Employee Code of Conduct.

Ethics and Compliance Training

To encourage compliance with the global Code of Conduct, 鶹app regularly provides training, communications, and guidance to all salaried global employees. Employees are required to annually certify that they have read and will follow the Code of Conduct and complete compulsory trainings on issues such as anti-corruption, conflict of interest, dignity and respect, whistleblowing, IT security, and due diligence matters. All training is monitored and tracked by the Ethics and Compliance (E&C) team. To reinforce our commitment to our Value, We do the right thing, we designate critical E&C courses as Threshold Training and set their completion rate as an E&C bonus qualifier for all zones. This means that all zones must achieve at least 90 percent completion of all threshold training courses by the end of the year to reach their full bonus potential. If a zone does not meet or exceed their threshold training completion target, the total amount of bonus available for that Zone reduces by 10 percent.

Reporting a Concern

To help employees report potential misconduct, the Company provides several reporting methods, including through managers, Human Resources, Legal and the Ethics & Compliance team. In addition, we have a confidential Ethics & Compliance Helpline for reporting an ethics or compliance concern. The Helpline has multilingual staff available 24 hours a day. It is accessible globally by a toll-free phone call or online at . We do not tolerate retaliation against an employee who reports potential misconduct in good faith.

Supplier Guiding Principles

鶹app has developed a set of Global Principles applicable to its supply chain partners referred to as the Supplier Guiding Principles. In 2021, 鶹app launched our updated Supplier Guiding Principles in accordance with our commitment for improved efficacy and due diligence with our valued suppliers around sustainable business practices. The Supplier Guiding Principles apply to all suppliers (including external manufacturers), and we have plans to include joint venture partners in the near future.

Political Contributions and Lobbying Activity

As part of the Company’s ongoing engagement in the communities where our employees live and work, we engage in the political process to help shape public policies that impact our business around the world. Our goal is to have issues that impact our value chain, including employees, suppliers, customers, consumers, and shareholders fairly represented at all levels of government. For more information on our political contributions and lobbying activity, please visit /contributions.html.

鶹app engages responsibly in the political process in the communities where our employees live and work. Our goal is to help public officials representing our people, products and manufacturing facilities understand the issues that impact our business. We adhere to the local laws and regulations governing interactions with government officials and participate in the political process through issue advocacy and political contributions. In North America, 鶹app has put in place effective compliance procedures for, and oversight of, lobbying activities, corporate contributions and The 鶹app Political Action Committee (鶹app PAC) expenditures. The 鶹app Code of Conduct requires all employees to maintain honest, forthright, and transparent relationships with government officials.

Public Disclosure

鶹app believes that an important aspect of engaging in the political process is transparency and disclosure. 鶹app files information as required by federal and state campaign finance and disclosure laws. The 鶹app PAC reports its contributions to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the details of which are publicly available on the FEC website. All 鶹app PAC and Company political contributions since 2012 are listed on our website. This includes contributions to ballot initiatives and 501(c) (4) organizations where funds may be utilized for political purposes. This information is updated semi-annually. In addition, 鶹app partners with outside counsel to conduct an annual internal audit of all lobbying practices and reporting.

Lobbying Activity

鶹app prepares and files reports with the Secretary of the U.S. Senate and the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives quarterly, which detail lobbying activities and expenditures. These reports are available . The Company also files lobbying reports with many U.S. state and municipal governments as required by law. These reports are publicly available through the websites of the jurisdictions where they are filed.

Trade Association Membership

鶹app believes that trade association membership and participation provides a number of benefits to our business and employees, including the ability to remain engaged on relevant issues and as a forum for sharing ideas and information. The Company’s involvement with trade associations does not include engaging in political activity. 鶹app instructs trade associations that our dues must only be used on issues of importance to our business and none may be provided to support or oppose political candidates. You can find language sent to trade associations here.

Center for Political Accountability

鶹app has proudly received a top tier score (87.1/100) on the “CPA-Zicklin Index,” a rating developed by the Center for Political Accountability in conjunction with the Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. The full report can be found .

Our Governance Commitments


We will continue to maintain ESG oversight with the Board of Directors. Our CEO, key leadership, and respective team members lead and support our ESG goals and have linked key performance metrics embedded.

Communicate Transparently and Authentically:

We will continue to publish annual, third-party verified ESG reports, aligned to industry-best reporting frameworks. We will report climate, forests, and water information on an annual basis to and engage with stakeholders on material ESG issues.

Market Our Products Responsibly:

We will continue to market and advertise our products in a responsible and suitable manner to all audiences.

Promote Workplace Health and Safety:

We will continue to provide a healthy, safe, and secure workplace. We maintained our performance in safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) over last year, representing some of the best results among our food and beverage industry peers.

Operate Ethically:

We will continue to conduct business in an ethical manner and with an unwavering commitment to integrity and transparency.

Promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging:

We will continue to demand and promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all aspects of our Company.